What we do
A Financial Plan as individual as you are ... because after all it’s your future.
KO Financial offers personal, tailored financial advice for all stages of your life, regardless of your circumstances, net worth or investment amounts. By focusing on your unique situation and goals, we can bring clarity to your financial life and protect your financial future.
If you’re not sure what your goals are, we’ll help you to identify them, from saving for a new home to organising your estate in the most tax-efficient way, from planning a comfortable retirement to investment and inheritance planning and everything in between. From there we can plan a clear road map to reaching those goals.
We set out to protect your income, then grow it and finally replace your income using cash flow modelling, which gives a complete view of your current financial situation and maps your future finances. This is how we develop your unique, personal road map.
We can then apply our specialist services on financial planning, wealth management and investment planning using that map and on to pensions, investment properties and other ways to replace your income when you retire.